The Peter O'Philes

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A Herd Of Bloggers Comes Sweeping Over The Horizon

This is another old post, I'm still busy. I have important things that need scratching, ok?

Honestly - what the fuck is the deal with this bullshit I keep seeing on blogs? The fucking phases of the moon? What, do you really feel a sense of uniqueness and identity that links you to the fucking moon? A connection so unique that only a wide range of shitty internet sites can provide an image of it for you?

And the weather today - what the fuck? I assume that's the weather where you are but who could possibly care? You? You already know what the weather's like. For fuck's sake. Why not the weather on the moon, kill two birds with one cliché.

If you feel the need to note down your mood, then you aren't a good enough writer to achieve anything except tedia (surprising how many blogs over-reach that fucking goal). Honestly, if the average perceptive reader can't spot your fucking state of mind when you write what is effectively a journal entry, either give up or write the pedestrian babbling you call thoughts down on paper. Or the back of your hand, preferably with bleach.

Why does everyone claim to be happy all the time, anyway? You aren't going to go to heaven, there isn't one. You aren't going to be a fucking astronaut (apologies if Louis Armstrong or someone similar is reading this), you aren't even going to clean an astronaut's toilet (apologies if Louis Armstrong's mum or Latino maid is reading this)

You've got around 600'000 hours on this planet and then your dead face is being eaten off by your 11 fucking cats. Enjoy what there is to enjoy by all means but why try to pretend that every second of your life is the high point of the fucking century, that's just dishonest, like those so-called moon landings. Fucking Astros.

In summary I propose the suicide of everyone on this planet immediately and let's hope that something better evolves from our decaying juices. I'll go last to make sure that everyone does their duty.