The Peter O'Philes

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Atheism: Just Another Excuse To Act The Cunt

Ok, I thought I could retire safely to my corner and concentrate on my mind-masturbation techniques. Sadly it turns out that there are just too many things fucked up and stupid for me to sit and...practice.

This is for cunts. Why some tossing fuckspackers feel the need to force their religion down my fucking throat is beyond me, and this is no different.

I'll tell you now, if some fucking Atheist comes knocking on my door on Saturday morning, I'll be answering it in my pope outfit. That's a coincidence, but I'll be telling them to fuck right off anyway.

"Hi! Can I just ask, have you thought about not believing in God?"
"Hmmm, well I've thought about not believing in people who ring fucking doorbells to talk to strangers...I've thought about believing in stabbing garden forks into people who ring on doorbells to talk strangers...I'm not sure I've...oh, you've gone."

Oh, and be the way, people calling yourselves Atheists. Atheism is the belief that there is no god. The phrase "there's probably no god" would apply to Agnosticism. You don't even know what you do or don't not believing in, you fucking ball bothering morons. Go kill yourselves and go to not-hell or wherever the fuck it is you types go.
One last point. If you believed in some sort of god and the afterlife, I suspect that finding out that there is no god would be a pretty big concern, so don't give me that "don't worry" cock. Instead of infinity years to get all your business taken care of (gas bills, anti-cancer cure etc), you've now got about sixty. That's almost infinity years less than you were originally counting on. Puts your 2,000 year plan into real fucking timescaling issues, doesn't it?

Now, if everybody could stop being cunts, I'd like to go back to sleep.